WAR interrogation - how elite are the bloggers?
Identify yourself! (Blogger name – what blog – class)
Tobold - Tobold, http://tobolds.blogspot.com/, shaman
Crimson - Crimson Starfire, Word of Shadow (http://word-of-shadow.
1) Where you at? (Normal rank – renown rank)
Tobold - Rank 20, RR 17 (3/5)
Crimson - Starmantle - NR:20, RR:18 , Bloodfire - NR:21, RR:20 (4/5)
2) We want dedication soldier! (Average playtime every week)
Tobold - Around 20 hours (3/5)
Crimson - 35 - 40 hours (4/5)
3) On a scale of 1 to 10 how skillful would you rate yourself?
Tobold - What's your definition of skill? I rate high on knowledge skills,
understanding game systems, knowing what to do. I rate low on fast
button mashing skills. (4.5/5)
Crimson - Nine (The most arrogant - lol) (4/5)
4) Who are you working with? (Class you like the most aside from your own and why)
Tobold - Tanks, obviously. I like to hide behind a black orc and keep him alive. (2.5/5)
Crimson - Like working with the Ironbreaker because they are easy to heal, hard to kill and deal and enormous amount of damage when needed. The Ironbreaker/Archmage make a great combo. (4/5)
5) Give me names (Class you dislike the most and why)
Tobold - Witch hunters, because of their invisibility. (5/5)
Crimson - I like all classes. I do enjoy killing Witch Elfs the most though :) (2/5)
6) What do you really want? (If you could make up one ability what would it be?)
if they specialize in one talent tree. (3/5)
Crimson - Teleport (Like blink from WoW) (3/5)
Well done bloggers, short and to the point makes good reading. Crimson gets brownie points for having two characters at a reasonably high level, would like to see a bit more commitment in a single character, however, to get more points.
Answering a question with a question Tobold; you know how to play this don't you? Crimson, if you are going to be arrogant, you might as well go all the way, but a good self assessment there. I was going to mark you both up on question 4 because you both said you love tanks, but then I realized Tobold was talking about a Black Orc/Shaman tag team which lost him all his points, I hate those creeps; impossible to take down!
Tobold hit the money on the head, but there is a Destruction class who also has invisibility and you didn't mention them - I'm starting to think you favour Destruction...Crimson, your message of world friendship is disgraceful but since I can relate to you with WE (Always killing my healers) you didn't do too badly.
Nothing too creative on the last question which was a bit disapointing but overall you guys did pretty well!
So the final score is;
Tobold - 21/30
Crimson - 21/30
Its a tie! We have just a few more bloggers to go but things are beginning to look very close!
Woot - 21 points!!
One day I'll beat you Tobold... one day... ;)
I thought it was funny that Tobold and I both rated ourselves 9/10 and we both scored the same ;)
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