The other day a couple of friends and I were discussing gaming and, as seemingly always, WoW was brought into the conversation. These friends were the social, sporty type of people that just cannot understand us nerdy gamers and I was asked to explain what WoW was and why so many people play it. Slightly joking I said that you basically get to play a corpse, or a troll, or a cow that walks on two hoofs, and you get to run around putting on armor and dancing naked with elves, and with content like that who wouldn't want to play? But it made me think; how do you get people that are not interested in games excited about them?
-Me in a long lost draft for a post.
World of Warcraft: The Ballad of Johnny Awesome
18 hours ago
Wow. That's what I like about World of Warcraft too.
"how do you get people that are not interested in games excited about them?"
I'd say, find the right game. Unfortunately, for those deprived sporty souls, it's probably Madden 2010. Oh well, right? Lots of casual games appeal to people who aren't typical gamers, also.
If your question was meant to be "How do you get people that are not interested in games to play MMO's and fantasy RPG's"...Well, I don't see a need. There are enough of us nerds out there to find playmates all over the place.
Now if the question goes deeper, "How do I get my wife or brother or best friend who I really wish I could have fun playing games with." I'd say, try something that they like, first. And maybe they'll be willing to try one of your games if you show that you're willing to do something they like first.
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